Wednesday, November 3, 2010

What I dream for women and young girls

Here is what I submitted to Minnesota Women's Press to be included in the December edition. It answers the question: "What do I dream of changing for women and girls?"

I dream of changing for women the way they view and love themselves. I desire to be an encourager, a healer, and a guide for them to live out their true, authentic selves and to really know the meaning to honor, respect, cherish, and love themselves. For women to honor authenticity, expression of their gifts, creativity, and knowing and embodying their power to heal and change the course of history. For women to know the powerful role models they are to young girls. I want women and young girls to be free to be....themselves. The beautiful, amazing, and powerful creatures they are. I dream of changing the way women view themselves and then in turn change the way that young girls view themselves. Beauty revealed in truth, realness, self-expression, and love. It is my mission to help set them be.

1 comment:

Heidi said...

And for this reason, you are a shining STAR, my friend!

Blessings in your journey!
