Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Self-care--giving your body what it truly needs

I get a massage almost every week no matter where I am, eat a healthy diet, schedule time alone, and if I get to a point where I feel I need a block of time...I'll cancel.
-- Anne Wilson Schaef

Do we love and care for our body as well as we love and care for our home and car? Do we feel our body deserves full attention and a loving maintenance plan?

Taking our body for granted is easy because of its remarkable durability and regenerative power. We may get lulled into a false sense of "nine lives" body security, believing our physical being will fix itself no matter what.

Self-care takes time and priority planning to be successful. We may find we put off our exercise and nutritional needs saying, "Tomorrow I'll start taking better care of myself." But sooner or later tomorrow comes, and our body produces symptoms that demand attention.

Learning to love and nurture our body brings rewards without measure. We deserve to reap the benefits starting today.

Prayer: Today let me realize that respect for my body builds a healing temple in which the rest of my life can grow.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Do you need help loving your body? I can help.

"A woman's relationship with her body is the most important relationship she will ever have. More important than husband, lover, children, friends, colleagues. This isn't selfishness--it's just a fact. The body is, quite literally, our vehicle for being--for giving, for loving, for moving, for feeling--and if it doesn't work, it's fairly certain that nothing else in our lives will work either."

Ladies, do you need help loving your body? Do you wonder what that even means or how to go about having a loving relationship with your body? I can help! This is what I help my clients to do--to learn to love their bodies and all of who they are. Let's set up a time to talk more about what you desire for your body and your life and to see if Transforming You Health Coaching is the best fit for you. Learn more about Transforming You, my holistic health coaching business at You can email me at or call at 651-354-0019 to also learn more.